What's the point in making a damn effort if nobody else does? I mean G-d life is so F@%*ed up that even if you try and make one effort to try and make something better between two people there is no use because the other person wont budge. I hate those kinds of people sometimes. Those people who say one thing and do another! I mean what is the point in trying to fix something if when you say something they say "o ya ya im sorry" and then do the same thing that is messing up everything. Damn dont you just hate those kinds of People? O and i almost forgot, HOW THE HELL DOES ONE CHANGE THEIR NICKNAME FROM JOE SHMOE TO SOMETHING ELSE? I've seen other blogs where the writers have something else for their nicknames. im so friggin confused! Anyway, tonite is The American Music Awards, one of the best bands, Evanescence, are going to be performing, and are nominated for an award in the Favorite Album Pop or Rock N' Roll Music category. It starts at 8pm eastern and Pacific time. And the Pre-Show starts at 7.